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Flowers - the best decoration of any holiday! You agree that flowers have always been the best decoration of any holiday - be it birthday or March 8, wedding or New Year, Valentine's Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is especially pleasant to receive a gift from a bouquet if it is a sign of the attention of a loved one.
Currently, flower delivery, for example, flower delivery to Minsk, is becoming increasingly popular. Our website has a large selection of flowers for any occasion or occasion, and professional florists will make original floral arrangements for you. In addition, in our showroom you can choose wedding bouquets, as well as order the design of any festive colors and places.
Showing 1 to 22 of 22 (1 Pages)
Bouquet of red roses

Bouquet of red roses


$ 25.85

Bouquet of red roses In this bouquet we put red roses spiral laid and are convinced that such a bright and passionate bouquet is capable of conquering the heart of any lady, thanks to her exquisite beauty and emotional saturation. Passion unfurls in every petal of our Bouquet of Red Roses ..

Bouquet 101 roses

Bouquet 101 roses


$ 264.00

Large bouquet of red or white roses 50-60 cm tall A charming large bouquet of roses is an amazingly stylish gift that will be able to convey all your senses and create the mood of a bright holiday. If you pre-order, you can choose the color of roses. 101 roses with delivery in Minsk. Da..

Roses in box Roses in box

Roses in box


$ 44.00

Roses in box in the photo there is a box of 20 roses Looks great bouquet of bright red roses! It can serve as a birthday gift, March 8, a wedding or simply as a love confession. But if you present it just to set the mood, for no reason - there will be no limit to joy and delight. Discover e..

Love Bouquet

Love Bouquet


$ 79.20

A bright bouquet of several types of roses and alstromeries in a fashionable design. Composition: Standard: 15 single roses, 7 spray roses, 5 alstroemeria Deluxe: 20 single roses, 10 spray roses, 10 alstroemeria (as in the photo) Premium: 40 single roses, 20 spray roses, 20 alst..

Bouquet Bright day Bouquet Bright day

Bouquet Bright day


$ 67.10

Bouquet Bright day Composition: Standard: 7 roses, 3 alstroemerias, 3 chamomile chrysanthemums, 3 spray roses,  greenery, decoration, bow. Deluxe (as pictured): 10 roses, 5 alstroemerias, 5 chamomile chrysanthemums, 5 spray roses, greenery, decoration, bow. Premium: 15 roses, 10..

Bouquet bright pink

Bouquet bright pink


$ 154.00

Bouquet bright pink Compound: Deluxe: 33 pink roses, 15 rainbow gypsophila, greenery with decoration. Premium: 55 pink roses, 25 rainbow gypsophila, greenery with decoration...

Bouquet butterfly Bouquet butterfly

Bouquet butterfly


$ 49.50

Bouquet butterfly Gorgeous bouquet of gerberas, orchids and daisies. Composition sizes: Standard: 5 camomile chrysanthemums, 5 gerberas, 5 orchids, greens, decoration, bow. Deluxe: 7 chamomile chrysanthemums, 7 gerberas, 7 orchids, greens, decoration, bow. Premium: 15 chamomile chrysanth..

Bouquet chrysanthemum Bouquet chrysanthemum

Bouquet chrysanthemum


$ 44.00

Chrysanthemum, decoration. Standard - 11 chrysanthemums, greenery, decoration. Deluxe - 15 chrysanthemums, greenery, decoration. Premium- 25 chrysanthemums, greenery, decoration. One of the brightest colors - chrysanthemums - can convey any shades of your senses. Undoubtedly sincere feeli..

Bouquet joy

Bouquet joy


$ 44.00

Bouquet joy Compound: Standard - 11 roses, 5 alstroemeria, green, decoration, bow. Deluxe - 17 roses, 9 alstroemeria, green, decoration, bown. Premium - 31 roses, 15 alstroemeria, green, decoration, bow. The color scheme of the bouquet may differ from that presente..

Bouquet of inspiration Bouquet of inspiration

Bouquet of inspiration


$ 53.90

Composition:  roses, alstroemeria, chrysanthemum. Standard:  5 roses, 5 alstromeries, 5 chrysanthemums, greens, decoration. Deluxe: 7 roses, 7 alstromeries, 7 chrysanthemums, greens, decoration. Premium: 11 roses, 11 alstromeries, 11 chrysanthemums, greens, decoration. The &qu..

Bouquet of spray roses

Bouquet of spray roses


$ 66.00

Bouquet of spray roses In the photo - 30 pcs Dive into a world of delicate charm with our Bouquet of Spray Roses at Each petite bloom is a burst of joy, creating a whimsical dance of colors and fragrances. Meticulously arranged for maximum impact, these spray roses exude elega..

Bouquet of triumph Bouquet of triumph

Bouquet of triumph


$ 60.50

bouquet of triumph Composition of the bouquet: red roses, alstroemeria Standard: 15 roses, 10 alstroemerias, decoration, bow. Deluxe: 25 roses, 20 alstroemerias, decoration, bow. (As in the photo). Premium: 45 roses, 35 alstroemerias, decoration, bow. A stunning bouquet of red roses and ..

Bouquet Romance Bouquet Romance

Bouquet Romance


$ 81.40

Beautiful bright bouquet of alstroemerias, chrysanthemums, orchids, spray roses, roses, greenery, with decoration. Standard: alstroemerias 5, chrysanthemums 5, orchids 5, spray roses 5, roses 7, greenery, with decoration. Deluxe: alstroemerias 7, chrysanthemums 7, orchids 7, spray roses 7, ros..

Box of flowers and cookies Box of flowers and cookies

Box of flowers and cookies

$ 64.90

Box of flowers and cookies macaroon. A bright box of flowers and cookies is a beautiful spring gift, creating a unique mood of this best time of the year. Painted with the colors of nature, he will be faster than any words about the coming of spring and give unforgettable feelings of the holiday. ..

Box with orchids and daisies Box with orchids and daisies

Box with orchids and daisies


$ 38.50

Box with orchids and daisies: Standard: flower box with a diameter of 20 cm Deluxe: box with flowers with a diameter of 25-27 cm (as in the photo) Premium: box with flowers with a diameter of 35-40 cm Delight your loved ones with a charming box of orchids and daisies from iFlowers...

Bright bouquet Bright bouquet

Bright bouquet


$ 52.80

Bright bouquet of alstroemeria. Standard - 10 branches of alstroemeria, decoration, bow Deluxe - 15 branches of alstroemeria decoration, bow Premium - 20 branches of alstroemeria decoration, bow..

Bush roses

Bush roses


$ 56.10

Composition: Bush roses Standard: 20 roses, decoration Deluxe: 30 roses, decoration Premium: 50 roses, decoration A delightful bouquet of spray roses bursts with charm and elegance. Each stem features multiple petite blossoms in a symphony of soft pinks and creamy whites. The lush, gree..

Flower heart

Flower heart


$ 49.50

Flower heart Express love beyond words with our Carnation Heart at Each petal whispers sentiments of affection, creating a timeless symbol of love. Gift a heartfelt moment with our meticulously crafted carnation arrangement—a true embodiment of romance Available box sizes: ..

Heart of flowers and Raffaello Heart of flowers and Raffaello

Heart of flowers and Raffaello

$ 48.40

Composition: roses, Raffaello. Available box sizes: Mini: 22 cm Standard: 26 cm Deluxe: 34 cm (as in the photo) Premium: 46 cm Super: 55 cm..

Heart of Roses

Heart of Roses


$ 60.50

Even in the Middle Ages roses were considered a symbol of passion and they were used in love rituals. And we made these flower-like hearts in their extravagant and bright colors. In our composition, tenderness and passion were combined, creating a canvas dedicated to your feelings. Available box ..

Rainbow Rainbow



$ 44.00

Composition of the bouquet: Standard: 10 branches of rainbow gypsophila Deluxe: 15 branches of rainbow gypsophila Premium: 20 branches of rainbow gypsophila  ..

Rose heart with teddy bear

Rose heart with teddy bear

$ 55.00

Rose heart with teddy bear A beautiful composition that includes flowers, a heart and a bear. All in one. Available box sizes: Standard: 23 cm Deluxe: 30 cm Premium: 40 cm Super: 55 cm..

Showing 1 to 22 of 22 (1 Pages)